How Security Cameras Prevent Theft In Retail Stores

How Security Cameras Prevent Theft In Retail Stores

Retail theft has plagued stores for as long as they have existed. One of the best ways to prevent retail theft is with modern security camera systems that provide 24/7 surveillance and real-time monitoring! There's evidence to show that the presence of visible cameras alone helps to deter shoplifting and internal theft by employees because it makes the offenders reluctant to do the crime in case they get caught. The presence of security cameras puts criminals on edge and provides valuable evidence to store owners and managers. In this article, we’ll talk more about how security cameras can help to prevent theft in your retail store! If you are a retail store owners that is looking to invest in high-quality, affordable security cameras, please click here to shop security cameras online from Reliable Chimes & Security today!

Shoplifting Deterrent & Detection

Theft is an unavoidable issue for modern retail store owners, as up to 85% of retail stores experience theft annually, but you can limit theft with security cameras. External theft, which is the most common form of retail theft, accounts for up to 70% of theft in retail stores and 36% of shrinkage in retail stores. Installing security cameras has been shown to deter shoplifters due to the fear of getting caught, after all, the majority of shoplifters are teens aged 10-16. Even in cases in which they do go through it, the security team or store owner can monitor the footage and quickly apprehend the thief, and once apprehended, there is less possibility of them repeating that offense. You can also use security cameras to detect the peak times when shoplifting occurs and inform your employees to be on high alert.

Internal Theft Detection & Prevention

Employee theft is often overlooked but it is a problem. It mainly stems from employees feeling disgruntled with the retail store or looking for backdoor sources of income. Internal theft accounts for 29% of retail store shrinkage and is much more difficult to detect because they have access to the goods with impunity. Security cameras make it much more difficult for dishonest employees to take advantage of their access and steal. This is very important because it has been observed that employee theft costs a retail store three times more than shoplifting, as employees have a tendency to go for more expensive commodities and do so more frequently.

Makes Shoplifters Uncomfortable & Give Out Physical Cues

Everyone gives out visual cues whenever eyes are on them, and criminals are no different. The way a person will behave when they know they are under surveillance and when they don't greatly differ. Thieves tend to be less bold when they are on camera, making them look suspicious and easily identifiable. Putting up visible security cameras builds this behavior in shoplifters, making it easy for employees to detect them and stop them.

Constant Surveillance & Real-Time Monitoring

Security cameras give you 24/7 surveillance and the ability to monitor your store in real-time, even when you are offsite. Security cameras also reduce the number of employees needed in the store for security purposes. By using cameras with night-vision capabilities, you can monitor the store during off hours in case of trespassing and burglary, allowing you to ensure swift intervention from the police to get the perpetrators apprehended.

Shop Security Cameras Online From Reliable Chimes & Security

If you're looking to purchase affordable, high-quality security cameras or other security devices for your business, look no further than the Reliable Chimes & Security online store! If you have any questions about the products and installation services we offer, please don't hesitate to contact us by giving us a call at (800) 641-4111!

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